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Development and Refurbishment – 90% Loan to all Costs available – Terms available for Professional Developers & First-time Builders. 100% of costs available with funder profit share.
Commercial Mortgages – Up to 85% LTV (100% plus goodwill in some professional sectors). Rates start at 1.85% over base rate. Terms up to 30 years with Interest-Only options
Bridging and Short-term Finance – from 0.4% pcm – Available for Auction Purchases

All posts by: Omega Commercial

by in Omega News

Delivering terms not otherwise available

Whilst access to funding remains the most frequently quoted obstacle to growth for SMEs in the UK, and investors continue to adapt to the impact of regulatory changes enforced on lenders and the market as a whole, we continue to deliver highly competitive finance solutions for businesses and individuals. As evidence of the last 12 months suggests, we’re also able to deliver terms that weren’t otherwise available.

by in Omega News

Omega Group support the Stonebridge Conference 2020

As an approved panel partner of Stonebridge we look forward to seeing you on Monday 3rd February at the Stonebridge Conference. Visit Stand 27, where we will have underwriters available to discuss all new enquiries and access to a NEW BRIDGING LENDER. Omega Group services include: Commercial Mortgages, Bridging & Short-term (including regulated cases), Property Investment, Development, Conversion & Refurbishment, Secured Loans and all other business and property finance requirements.

by in Omega News

Commercial Mortgage Introducer of the Year Award – 6th year in a row!

Omega Commercial Solutions Nominated for Business Moneyfacts Commercial Mortgage Introducer of the Year Award. As previous winners we are delighted to again be confirmed as a finalist for the 6th consecutive year in this category. Omega Commercial Solutions Ltd has been shortlisted in the 2020 Business Moneyfacts Awards in the Commercial Mortgage Introducer of the Year category.

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