Finance for commercial and semi-commercial investment
Despite many taking holidays, summer always sees a big push in wanting to have long-running projects completed before autumn, new purchases complete or refinance of existing debt lined up.
Despite many taking holidays, summer always sees a big push in wanting to have long-running projects completed before autumn, new purchases complete or refinance of existing debt lined up.
“For sale” and “sold” signs on the residential side of the property market have markedly increased in the past few weeks and we continue to…
In a time when property investors and business owners are looking at smarter or more cost efficient ways to hold property, what property to invest in, and how to make their property investments work harder for them, one of the options clients may not realise is a possibility is that of borrowing through their pension.
0% lender arrangement fee is available to a wide selection of transactions and businesses, based on…
Our focus at Omega is to be a key support to our clients, introducers and partners we work with. When it comes to property development…
Working alongside many different businesses, organisations, property investors and lenders over the last three decades has meant the Omega team has encountered and worked through a wide range of unique needs and shifting market conditions.
For clients who want to develop property, being able to diversify both in project type and funding and having flexibility with finances can lead to success in building projects.
Not a phrase we are used to seeing, certainly one we are not used to believing, but 100% funding is available across a number of sectors…
We’ve all grown weary of the downbeat news cycle, but there have been some positive signs in the last few weeks reflected both in the inflationary figures reported and whilst not a reduction in Bank Base Rate, voting appears to have shifted with no member advocating an increase.
In the commercial finance world and business in general in the UK, and globally for that matter, the rules, calculations and parameters have changed, leading many to be a little more creative and smart with finances.
We’ve previously discussed an increased appetite for commercial and semi-commercial investment in an...
Extended completion times have regularly been experienced across the specialist finance and commerci...
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