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Development and Refurbishment – 90% Loan to all Costs available – Terms available for Professional Developers & First-time Builders. 100% of costs available with funder profit share.
Commercial Mortgages – Up to 85% LTV (100% plus goodwill in some professional sectors). Rates start at 1.85% over base rate. Terms up to 30 years with Interest-Only options
Bridging and Short-term Finance – from 0.4% pcm – Available for Auction Purchases


Residential Mortgage, IFA and Wealth Management Networks

Omega have worked in partnership with Residential Mortgage, IFA and Wealth Management Networks for over 16 years, which means that we completely understand how these relationships need to work, and also that we are very experienced in handling all types of introductions and enquires from introducers.

We are partnered with some of the biggest and most well known names in the financial services industry.

During this time we have built strong relationships with both the Networks themselves and the individual members, many of who come back to us time and again with their clients’ commercial funding needs.

We never, ever, lose sight of the fact that the client is and always remains yours.

Whether you are experienced in dealing with commercial enquiries, or handling one for the first time, we can offer a bespoke service which meets both your and your client’s requirements, delivered in as smooth and timely fashion as possible.

In order for us to provide the best possible service please select the appropriate network link from the drop-down options, or you can submit your enquiry by clicking here.

Omega has worked in partnership with InPartnership as a panel member for Commercial Finance since 2016.

Omega has worked in partnership with Quilter Financial Planning (previously Intrinsic Financial Services) as a panel member for Commercial Finance since 2009.


Omega has arranged commercial finance for mortgage club members since 2011.

Omega has worked in partnership with St. James’s Place as a panel member for Commercial Finance since 2001, and all completed cases earn Head Office Partner Credits.

Omega has worked in partnership with Personal Touch Financial Services as a panel member for Commercial Finance since 2005.

Established in 1992, we were founding members of the National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers (NACFB).

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

