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Development and Refurbishment – 90% Loan to all Costs available – Terms available for Professional Developers & First-time Builders. 100% of costs available with funder profit share.
Commercial Mortgages – Up to 85% LTV (100% plus goodwill in some professional sectors). Rates start at 1.85% over base rate. Terms up to 30 years with Interest-Only options
Bridging and Short-term Finance – from 0.4% pcm – Available for Auction Purchases

Quilter Financial Planning

Omega has worked in partnership with Quilter Financial Planning (previously Intrinsic Financial Services) as a panel member for Commercial Finance since 2009.

We have always been, and remain, whole of market brokers rather than packagers, providing the necessary advice to your clients under our full commercial Professional Indemnity.

Established in 1992, we were founding members of the National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers (NACFB).

 Quilter Financial Planning (previously Intrinsic Financial Services)

An Omega representative has been a board member at the NACFB for over 15 years, continuing to be the case today.

Our team of commercial brokers is one of the most experienced in the UK, many of them having in excess of 20 years lending background as business or corporate managers in major Banks.

We are one of the few brokers genuinely able to offer a ‘Whole of Market’ proposition for commercial finance comprising over 190 lenders – we always deal directly with the funders and never use external packagers.

What we do

Omega deals exclusively in arranging all types of business and commercial finance, whether property, asset or cashflow based funding

We do not arrange residential mortgages, keyman cover, critical illness cover, income protection or pensions – any lender requirement for these ancillary products is referred directly back to the introducing Intrinsic partner to arrange.

How we work

We do not charge up front fees for initial discussions, requesting clients to pay a nominal one-off application fee at the point we are formally instructed to arrange funding for them. This is refundable in most cases if we are wrong about our ability to achieve acceptable terms for the client.

Nothing else is payable (other than valuation fee usually directly to the lender) by the client unless and until they sign a lender’s formal offer of finance.

We offer complete flexibility in how we work with you:

In its simplest form we take over the whole process, dealing directly with the client on every aspect of the proposal, requiring no further involvement from you, just regular updates from us to you when appropriate. This means we can start with just a client name and contact details from you.

If you would rather stay involved in the process to a greater or lesser extent, that choice is entirely yours and we are happy to accommodate whatever level of involvement you feel is appropriate.

At Omega we acknowledge your clients are exactly that – your clients!

We adhere to the principles of Treating Customers Fairly which also form part of the NACFB Code of Practice.

To send us an online enquiry please click here

You can email us at quilter@omegacs.org

If you would prefer to discuss how we can help you and your clients please call the above number

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

