Secured Loans
Whether looking to pay a Tax Bill, cover the cost of Home Improvements, or consolidate other Debts, Secured Loans are an established way of raising funds for just about any purpose.
Examples of when a secured loan may be the most suitable option available:
- High early repayment fees on the current mortgage
- A low rate on the existing mortgage that the borrower wishes to retain
- Recent credit problems mean re-mortgaging is not an option.
- Where a remortgage is possible, a smaller secured loan may still work out cheaper.
- The borrower needs funds more quickly than is possible with a full remortgage
- Remortgage is not possible for other reasons
We also have solutions to assist clients who otherwise believed funding wouldn’t be available to them:
- Debt Management Plans – no need to repay, can be left in place
- Pay day loans – considered
- Zero hour contracts accepted 2nd charge behind an equity release mortgage available
- No loan to income or debt to income restrictions
- No credit scoring – just a sensible, common sense approach to underwriting.